What is a noise figure meter?
A noise figure meter is an electronic instrument that measures the noise figure of an amplifier, mixer, or similar device. Noise figure is a measurement of the degradation of the signal to noise ratio of an instrument.
Why is it important to measure noise figure?
When testing an amplifier, mixer, or similar device, it is important to know what the noise figure is because that will let the technician/engineer know whether or not that device is producing a good output signal. An output signal with a high noise figure will not be of any use as it will be extremely distorted.
Why does a noise figure meter require calibration?
Noise Figure Meter Calibration should be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended calibration interval to ensure it remains operating within the manufacturer’s published specifications. Noise figure meters make very accurate amplitude measurements in order to determine the noise figure accurately. If the noise figure meter is not measuring the amplitude accurately, it would result in erroneous noise figure calculations. This could make the end user think a bad device is actually good or vice versa.
What is Anko’s capability?
Anko Test Equipment Calibration can calibrate Noise Figure Meters up to 26.5 GHz.
If you have a Noise Figure Meter that needs Calibration or Repair, please contact Anko Electronics Test & Measurment at sales@ankocalibration.com or call us at: 760-752-3311